Thursday, November 5, 2009

Golden Mic!!!!

It's been a tough week for me =(
band practices, drama pratices, ugh, golf?? movies...
dayemmm... didn't know i could even busier during the holidaysss...
felt lazy to blog for a long time, seriously nothing to say sometimes,
dont know why blogging suddenly came to mind...

I still am selling my DALMATIONS for your info =D
they're just over two months old and staying cute, haha...
been going to sel's house for our band practices,
hope we'll get in to the heat round, then the Finals =D
tomorrow's the audition and i'm a lil nervous ={
is that good ???
plus, i have a solo part in the first song, ughhh,
hope i'll do fine..

2012 is out next week man!!!
anyone up??? haha, just let me know...
watched jennifer's body last week, not that scary =P
chieng and halim were like covering their eyes when the scary parts came out
hahahaha, so so so so epic!!!!

reunion with my fellow ex classmates in primary 6 this saturday =D
so looking forward the it, hahah,
but there's just one problem, chung hwa's reunion is also on the same date, time and
venue, awkwards much???? YES!!!=.=
hope everything goes well * fingers crossed *

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